Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Obligatory Introduction

You are reading this blog because you may or may not be interested in hearing about my 11 month long study abroad stay in Nagoya, Japan. It is my senior year of college and I have been waiting since middle school to do this, so naturally, I'm excited. However, I haven't gotten too excited yet since I've been working my ass off all summer trying to raise spending money for the damn thing. I'm certain after I've cried myself into hiccups at saying goodbye to my parents, taken a Valium, then slept through the 13 hour plane ride, I'll start to get excited. Possibly gush-blood-from-each-orifice excited.

That sort of excitement is reserved for Harry Potter book and movie releases, getting pieces of Lolita, and that time I thought I was going to get to see Moi dix Mois live. You know, run around the house screaming sort of beside-yourselfness that makes everyone around you say, "Calm your ass down." (It's simply because they understand nothing.)

So I have a little less than thirty days until I board the stupid Northwest Airlines flight (I hate that damn company). I felt like starting this ahead of time though, because I enjoy writing about the build-up, but not everyone wants to read this stuff on my LiveJournal. There are people who will get angry or jealous, which I can completely understand. It happened to me, and I know that a lot of people I talk to want to live there. I don't hold that against anyone. I hope that anyone who wants to live there or visit there will get a chance someday soon.

There are also people who will melt into the emo-state of, "You're going to forget about me when you get theeeere!" Please. Do you honestly think I'm that big of a bitch? I'm way too addicted to the internet to just leave it. That's absurd. The people who are saying these things are seriously starting to piss me off. Shut the hell up and get over it. I'm going, you can visit me if you freaking want to, but stop trying to guilt trip me because you think I'll ~forget~ about my entire non-Japan life. First and foremost, I am an AMERICAN. I won't be able to just cannon-ball into Japanese culture and be totally chill with it. I can't just sever myself from my Englishness completely. The only thing I'll have tying me to it will be, of course, the fabulous internet, as it is a way to communicate with family, friends, and a way to get on the websites I'm addicted to.

That's all I have to say for now. Thirtyish days until the flight, sixish days until I quit both jobs (those being Barnes&NobodyLikesYou and Sekisui), and sevenish days until I fly to Portland, Oregon to see my brother&fam.

The most prominent thing on my mind about the entire ordeal is this: How in the hell am I supposed to choose which shoes go with me?

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